Boca Raton Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
When it comes to effective and comprehensive treatment to overcome a variety of mental health issues, cognitive behavioral therapy is a highly effective tool. It’s most often the preferred method of psychotherapy because of its ability to allow counselors and clients to quickly identify and cope with specific challenges associated with mood disorders, eating disorders and more. If you’re located in South Florida and are struggling with a mental illness, receive effective Boca Raton cognitive behavioral therapy sessions from licensed mental health counselor Abby Bernstein.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a form of talk therapy that occurs over the course of a number of sessions. A mental health counselor, therapist or psychotherapist will lead each session in a structured way to help clients become aware of inaccurate or negative thinking. This way, they’re able to identify triggering thoughts and view challenging situations more clearly. Clients are also provided ways to respond to these situations in a more effective way – without the use of drugs.
CBT is considered a very helpful tool both as a standalone treatment and in conjunction with other therapies. It can be effective in treating a wide array of mental illnesses, including depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and eating disorders. But CBT isn’t just a great method for combatting mental health issues. It can also be used by anyone who is interested in learning how to better handle and respond to stressful life situations.
How CBT Can Help
In addition to helping people cope with specific challenges, cognitive behavioral therapy can be a useful tool in a number of other contexts as well. People can use CBT to manage symptoms of a mental illness, learn techniques for coping with stress, or resolve relationship issues through establishing better lines of communication. CBT can also be used to cope with grief or loss, overcome emotional trauma or even manage chronic physical symptoms.
Abby Bernstein is a licensed mental health therapist in Boca Raton that utilizes CBT to help alleviate a number of mental illnesses. From depression and anxiety disorders to phobias, eating disorders and even substance abuse, CBT is a helpful and effective therapy for overcoming damaging thoughts and behaviors.
Risks of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Unlike most prescription drugs, there is relatively little risk or side effects that are brought on by cognitive behavioral therapy. Clients may experience some emotionally uncomfortable situations throughout therapy, because CBT does require some exploration of painful feelings, experiences and emotions that may be triggering to mental illnesses. Clients may cry, become upset or even experience feelings of anger during these sessions. They may also feel physically exhausted as well. But these are all short-term symptoms.
Certain types of CBT may also incorporate exposure therapy. During these sessions, clients may be exposed to experiences or objects that can cause some mild forms of anxiety or stress.
However, skilled therapists are trained in ways to minimize any risks to help clients learn coping skills to manage and conquer their negative feelings and fears.
Boca Raton Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
For those living in Southern Florida communities and suffering from a variety of mental illnesses or issues, help is available. Abby Bernstein is a licensed mental health therapist in Boca Raton that specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy. She utilizes an integrative approach to therapy that allows clients to explore thoughts, emotions and feelings in a safe and non-judgmental space. Through talk therapy, clients are able to overcome such illnesses as anorexia, depression, addictions and more.
Because she is intentional about creating and establishing supportive treatment teams, clients are surrounded by individuals that are positively impacting their growth in overcoming their illness. And by creating an open and affirming communication between patient and therapist, clients are able to build upon this trust throughout their treatments, ensuring more effective and long term results.
To schedule your Boca Raton cognitive behavioral therapy sessions with Abby Bernstein, contact the office today.