Boca Raton Marriage Counseling
If you are in need of a compassionate yet methodical approach to your Boca Raton marriage counseling services, get in touch with Abby Bernstein, LMHC. Boasting a deep level of experience within numerous facets of mental health counseling services, Abby is equipped with the knowledge and skillset to aid your relationship in either preserving or repairing the foundation that is there. Abby provides her clients with a meticulous and integrative therapeutic experience and moves deliberately towards establishing trust between herself and those she is serving. Due to this approach, trust and communication is allowed to flow freely not only between both participating clients, but also between Abby and each individual client within the counseling session.
Compassionate Boca Raton Marriage Counseling 
Many of us already have a preconceived notion about who “needs” marriage counseling and who doesn’t. Maybe what comes to mind is a couple that yells and argues a lot. Or maybe you picture a couple that just doesn’t communicate much at all. Abby is of the mindset and holds strongly to the philosphy that anyone can benefit from marriage or relationship counseling at any point of their relationship. Even if you do not believe there to be one particularly concerning issue or traumatic experience that you want to explore, your Boca Raton marriage counseling session can still assist in broadening communication lines between you and your partner. Further, it holds the potential to add a level of security to one's relationship by allowing both members to fashion a stronger foundation for more transparent conversations together. Abby is ready to be the facilitator of this journey for you and your partner.
Goals and Benefits of Marriage Counseling
As already mentioned, marriage counseling can prove beneficial for any couple—not just those who are actively disputing a matter! In general, the primary purpose of therapy for couples is to promote a deeper understanding of yourself, your partner or spouse, and the patterns of behaviors or interactions that occur between you both. Your Boca Raton marriage counseling session will demonstrate its effectiveness as you and your partner take the new skills and knowledge you've acquired through therapy and apply them in order to dismantle harmful patterns. By breaking down and disregarding negative tendencies you both may have, you are then able to appropriately replace them with more supportive and helpful techniques that will last your marriage a lifetime. It all begins with recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of the relationship and moving forward from there.
What to Expect in Your Therapy Session
In general, some key components that you may find yourself facing as you navigate couple’s counseling involve matters such as what kind of life you want to have together, what kind of spouse or partner you wish to be, what kind of spouse or partner you need in order to feel supported, and what obstacles exist in achieving these aforementioned goals. Naturally, there will be some tradeoffs and balancing acts with expectations to be discussed, which is the value in having a therapist such as Abby by your side during this process. For your Boca Raton marriage counseling appointment, Abby ensures that throughout your session both parties wholly feel that the environment is safe for honest communication and is a generally neutral space. As you consider the visions for the life that you and your partner want to build together and how that may or may not contrast with what you desire as individuals, Abby will be there to provide the therapeutic guidance and compassionate presence that you need to make meaningful progress. The time investment and adjustments to personal comforts may seem frustrating and difficult for you and your partner initially as you navigate through changes, but the outcome is absolutely worth it.
Schedule Your Appointment
Regardless of whether your marriage is marked by frequent arguments or general limited communication concerns, Abby Bernstein, LMHC, is here to help you. If you are ready to rebuild or further strengthen your relationship with your partner, then don’t delay in scheduling your session with Abby! For the fastest response (typically within 48 hours), please call or text 561-826-4401. However, Abby is pleased to also offer a convenient contact form that you can fill out instead, or you are welcome to email her directly at